Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
It is an odd thing...when a cliche' no longer fits.
It is at the moment one must Be.
It is at the moment one must Be.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
In My OWN Stuff
There is something determined to be TOLD by ME. I once thought it was the story of the mixed-race adoptee-cum-Mixed-up Middle-ClassED Light-SkinnDeD artsy GAY boy from Upper Middle-ClassED Jewish NJ in the AIDS/HIV-eD 80s...ending UP Artsy MorehousED Harlemmite in the 90s...and what CumMing of Age Jewels...anecdotes I was fortunate enough to have experienced. NAIVE..and loving every bit of ARMOR and amoUr I was wrapped-up in..
Of course, my return to NYC has been NOTHING Short of a TRAGIC DrA-MEDY!!! With every new attempt at settling...healing...finding PEACE...easing into AND WORKING...I have encountered all new personalities. Distractions, of that I am ONLY NOW Certain, but necessary. I own having elected to enter every...circumstance I did. I did so, because they seemed necessary and timely...many being presented just as the previous was about to crumble. In what can either be considered a loving twist of all things FATEful or just ODD and LuCK...I still found a tale within every house I entered.
So, here I sit...perched finally high above Manhattan...steps away from the GWB, just down from a set of steps that put me SOOOOO in the Mind de la Metro a Montmarte. There is nothing but time and picturesque peaks for me to pull inspiration from. I am certain there is little but my own heart holding me back.
Stories - I could tell them all.
I also had the notion of going with my father and a camera crew and having him walk me through his boyhood. I am not certain how that will turn out, but I would love to capture him telling HIS STORY...and taking everyone through the joy and boyhood that he LOVEd so clearly. Also, there is the stories of his Brothers and Sister. He is the baby, so there is perspective. Especially, since he is the last one LIVING. ALF's BROAD
I am interested in documenting my evolution in terms of health...through varied Western treatments to a more HOLISTIC Natur-A-Pathic Regiment...and just what it does to and for my Mind, Body and SPIRIT. I want to include the exploration of Yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi and VIBRATION in this.
I want to know MY UNCLE TED. What was it to be a tall, striking, intelligent, gay, black male in Alabama...THEN??? What, then did it mean for him to goto Paris? What were his politics? What were his FRUSTRATIONS? Wha...WHO WERE HIS LOVEs? How did he manage that? Did anyone know? What did he know about me? How and who did he tell that to?
There is OF COURSE All that 536 BLVDPL. That was TRULY my first home space. It was there that I truly came to explore my ARTS Body...all OF IT. Sex, Drugs, ART n SOUL.
Corey STORIES - That is where this all began. I felt a deep need to celebrate HE that was my BROTHER true. His family [and I believe mine] believed there to be more, but we knew...or at least I thought! :-) I don't know. I loved that NAIVETY. Believing as I did and allowing little else to penetrate that...nothing. Perhaps I did have a first Love under my nose and didn't see it. Hmmm...
HindSight...20 20
My adoption and the discovery.
...and the story that caused
...brought about
the aforementioned
soUrce and TIME
in my LIFE.
I was able to encounter
of existence,
beginning with
Porgy n Bess
and ending
the 3eme...;-)!
Of course, my return to NYC has been NOTHING Short of a TRAGIC DrA-MEDY!!! With every new attempt at settling...healing...finding PEACE...easing into AND WORKING...I have encountered all new personalities. Distractions, of that I am ONLY NOW Certain, but necessary. I own having elected to enter every...circumstance I did. I did so, because they seemed necessary and timely...many being presented just as the previous was about to crumble. In what can either be considered a loving twist of all things FATEful or just ODD and LuCK...I still found a tale within every house I entered.

has become
Stories - I could tell them all.
I also had the notion of going with my father and a camera crew and having him walk me through his boyhood. I am not certain how that will turn out, but I would love to capture him telling HIS STORY...and taking everyone through the joy and boyhood that he LOVEd so clearly. Also, there is the stories of his Brothers and Sister. He is the baby, so there is perspective. Especially, since he is the last one LIVING. ALF's BROAD
I am interested in documenting my evolution in terms of health...through varied Western treatments to a more HOLISTIC Natur-A-Pathic Regiment...and just what it does to and for my Mind, Body and SPIRIT. I want to include the exploration of Yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi and VIBRATION in this.
I want to know MY UNCLE TED. What was it to be a tall, striking, intelligent, gay, black male in Alabama...THEN??? What, then did it mean for him to goto Paris? What were his politics? What were his FRUSTRATIONS? Wha...WHO WERE HIS LOVEs? How did he manage that? Did anyone know? What did he know about me? How and who did he tell that to?
There is OF COURSE All that 536 BLVDPL. That was TRULY my first home space. It was there that I truly came to explore my ARTS Body...all OF IT. Sex, Drugs, ART n SOUL.
626 Riverside
as well as
14 W. 121.
My time
Corey STORIES - That is where this all began. I felt a deep need to celebrate HE that was my BROTHER true. His family [and I believe mine] believed there to be more, but we knew...or at least I thought! :-) I don't know. I loved that NAIVETY. Believing as I did and allowing little else to penetrate that...nothing. Perhaps I did have a first Love under my nose and didn't see it. Hmmm...
HindSight...20 20

...and the story that caused
...brought about
the aforementioned
odd balances
[ Light/Dark; Dumb/Perceived SMART]
There is also the mini-series that would follow me and my artsy friends across the globe to frolic, ADVENTURE, fun and free-willing LIVING.
Basically, I want to articulate enough of my own story to illustrate just how I came to PAY so MUCH ATTENTION [to some things].
I then want to be able to do whatever I can after that to continue producing work and supporting others doing the same.
Where to
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
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