I want to go somewhere with a Healthy Community.
I want to go somewhere I can work.
I want to go somewhere I can create...SING...WRITE...RECORD...PUBLISH...
I want to go somewhere I can produce...ART...FESTIVALS...LIFE...HARMONY...LOVE
I want to go somewhere I can BE ME.
I want to go somewhere I can LIVE HEALTHY.
I want to go somewhere I can CONTINUE to BE UNDETECTABLE!!!
I want to go somewhere I can STUDY YOGA, REiKi, MASSAGE, VIBRATIONaL Healing
I want to go somewhere I can FLY.
I want to go somewhere and LEARN to LIVE...MORE!!!
California, Africa - South, West [Senegal]; North [Egypt or Morocco]; , Caribbean - Haiti, Bahamas; Portland, Tunisia?

Teach English
Teach Art
Teach Voice
[Once Certified] Yoga
[Once Certified] Wellness
Arts Admin/Run a Gallery-Organization
WHATEVER!!! as long as I am able to afford to create...out of my way.