I have been documenting my...evolution for...about...let me know...since '89. It started as I was just beginning to open up on the Red Clay of Georgia and felt my parents might not appreciate what I had going on inside of me. While my MCGC counterparts could empathize, the details tripped me up. As opposed to trying to explain it...extrapolate an description of what was going on, I chose instead to take to the pen. Opting for finally utilizing all of the materials my parents had purchased for me to do school work...I made good on my promise to them - do something with ALL OF THIS! I DID...I lived through-it...and wrote.

My initial writings...were more like adolescent rantings, as opposed to verse. Although I soon recognized the beauty of keeping 2 GRAVEL BOOKS - one for rantings; the other for writing...both for recording. These books...the number of which I have lost count at this point...truly detail all that it is to be in the space of ME! I started just as my formative years were beginning to take hold and have continued, now vacillating to BLOG...of convenience and keeping up. Now...some 20+ years later...the story is still being written. For a long time I tormented myself with the notion of this being my opus I was scribbling out. The only problem arose when determining on just HOW to tell this story. I have so many varied perspectives, all of which ring true. Now, I am finding more sense all of these varied perspectives...there is merit to each one of them.
Well, there is some NEXT shit that is coming up...I can feel it. STAY TUNED!!!
Bracing myself...makes it seem like I am expecting the worst. Quite the contrary. I do know and expect, as experience has demonstrated - I should expect not simply a challenge, but a true test for those skills I am looking to HONE.
[Here is a thought - Perhaps my talented wasn't valued in Paris, because I UNDERVALUED my talent. I assumed that since it was my first time RECORDING...like that...I should take a QUIET spot and pay attention...opting out of a timely use of my talents...therefore loosing the artistic trust of my mates and forever relating me to a non-motherfuckin'-factor. Yes, I went in declaring just what I wanted and hoped to accomplish. However, I allowed THEM to determine the FINITE details of my TRYPE!!! MY PLAN!!!]
Hmmm...No More.
I ain't got time for all that!!!
Let's see what comes of it!
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