So...I hear...word has IT...that I have been REALLY secretive about MY MUSIC.
[check it now...while you read]
Perhaps that is because it ISN't Totally MY MUSIC, but the blood, sweat, tears of a couple of folks. My FONFON for Life - Julien Bonnet. Martin...certainly contributed what he...would...when For all of their contributions to that experience I am forever grateful.I met Julien through my boy Pierre while on a break from touring Europe (Paris, Caen, Luxemborg, Spain - Alhambra to be exact) with an avante garde, revolutionary staging of PORGY n BESS!
He'd been a driver for my friend Kori's boss...while SHE was in Paris...WORKING...[wink,wink]...on some FOOD FILM!!!
Anyway...I let Pierre know I couldn't just be in a Paris and not be doing something musical. And he could tell I had soul from listening to me humm along to the ROOTs reggae he'd SPLIFF me out to when we chilled at his flat in Marcadet.
Pierre has turned out to be a lasting friend...and one of those that kept me good in my most trying times. Merci Mon Frere!!!
Julien and Pierre were old school..."friends"...who occasionally smoked together. Pierre from Upper Class and Julien of working class, there unifying traits were WISDOM and music. Julien can kill a bass...WICKED!
So, Pierre takes me to a Pigalle. We meet Julien, the guy who owns the studio. This skinny guy who used to play guitar around Paris, but now owned the best guitar and amp spot in the well as the studio space...He used to live there - Dark haired and rail thin...he had a pleasant enough disposition and a BRILLIANT smile...matched only the glint in his eye that belied the weathered appearance. His only employ is another guitarist from Texas, who schooled me early on just how to go about staying...should I want to!!! So far...YUP!
Anywho...we got keys...stepped out side to the green double-doors. Julien plugged in a code...we stepped into this courtyard...the light clicks on...we cross the courtyard to glass, adroit...another door...then down...around into another and was - HEAVEN...or STUDIO!
A worn, plump couch and low leather chair; a low table with entrails from a candle and an ashtray, sitting strategically framing the bottom of a MASSIVE ATTACK poster in the wall - the only real decoration... and then an AMP [old bandmate's].

Claude was there as well. Franco-Spanish drummer - Middle every aspect. The one of them I most identified curious. His parent's opened their home - a wonderfully appointed spaceous apt in the 10th...later] to me the day before I returned to tour because the boyfriend of the guy I was renting from decided to sell it [huh?!] while I was there...mad I wouldn't sleep...or SOMETHING with THEM!!! I guess.
Grey berber carpet and long fold-out table...littered with a Mac a PC and other boxes wires and incense. There were mic stands...cables on the wall and a red velvet...tissue hanging the full length and the corners of the far end of the space - the left side covering the living space of the owner. There are two floor-to-ceiling pains...looking like windows, but actually are the glaring WHITE lights of the rooms...that stayed off! Former storage facility, perhaps?

Julien rolled a spliff...turned on some ROOTS...and we just sat and listened to music...talked about music...argued about MUSIC...played and eventually SANG music...ALL NIGHT! It felt...NATURAL...GREAT...REAL...WOW!
And that's Just the beginning...
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