This morning...I was pulling on SpriGs...
...This evening...I have 3 different flavors to DIGEST.
Merci Pour La Sagess!!!
Chauncey capped off my day.
I started slow...taking forever to rise, as the dry heat and my new late night writing routine had me floored. The air was thick and dry...HEAVY. It foretold of HEAT to cum. A funk...FUNK settled-in on me...that I could not shake. I felt worthless from the first sight of the sky. That Blue Blazed right to my my soul. It spoke volumes just where my spirit lay...after the first breakfast.
It was there. No vitamins. No stretching. No 350...nothing PHASED iT! IT was just there. I got no information from Roger regarding work and was waiting for the arrival of my new debit card, after my previous one was corrupted.
I stewed with - HOW DID I GET HERE...AGAIN? How could this happen to me?? This is a Conspiracy!!! They are trying to KEEP ME POOR and HERE!!! I can't Find a Job! What are they taking...$10?? That is ALL I HAVE! I am a Failure! VACATION?!?!? What is THAT? THis is NOT A VACATION!!!! when you are free of THESE types of CARES...JUST RELAX RELATE RELEASE...;-)
Wisdom in the morning. Then something happen. My Malaise flipped me into focused SLOTH. So, I begrudgingly cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. I did my 350 with the HEAT came, so to did my muscles warm. And just to get out...I decided to walk to Lincoln Center...eventually. I just sat...layed-around...clean...checking e-mails and dick sights...flirting with no real intention...on both. Nothing came through...a relief. I updated the information for food stamps...need to complete that finally.
Then Roland was home. He had my card in hand...I ripped it open...and just felt...MOVED. I open the envelope...finished my work on-line; map-out my Route - Bank...start card; Bodega...$10; Juice Bar...redeem my card for a juice; water and Wheat Grass...walk. That was my plan. It flowed perfectly with perks. When I went to the juice bar and JUST ordered a wheat grass and water and explained about my card, they GAVE me a LARGE GREEN JUICE. Just pay later...go 'head, she said.
THAT...IS COMMUNITY!!! I love LOYALTY. I will go back and cover that.
I left there energized...proceeded down through So. and onto CPW.
Walking like a Goofy Soldier, folks seemed to part more easily...the lower I got. The stride steady and the breathing rhythm set...I WALKED down to about...65th...cut across...checked some e-mails...finished the water...MERCI...stopped on the corner to consider my options - to the Left Central Park and East SIde...people...noise...funk...Not what I desired. To my Right...Riverside Park...BOOM. I made my way up and over to Riverside Park...right off 72nd Street...and sat.
[I stopped earlier...very early in my trek to make note of these three older black gentlemen "admiring" a beautiful Brown Sista's NO UNCERTAIN WORDS!!! Straight outta DO THE RIGHT THING, they were as greasy and funny as the fellas on the wall in the Spike Lee Classic. I drew an abstract. The next time I opened the journal, I was at the bench...thinking and recording the impressions of the setting sun. A Dizzying Display of Orange and fitting, now that I think about it. My 2 modes...Brilliantly on Splashed across the NYC Sky. Sure...]
Get into it. Walk it off. So I did...right UP Riverside Park. It was great...and a little ominous for a Beige Brother with my kinda' hair/beard/bushiness going on. I walked long enough for twilight to rise up, then I crossed around 86th.
It was completely different experience on the residential side At one point SOOOOOOO quiet...With entrances facing the highway, I realize THESE people NEVER have to see the INNARDS of the city...should they choose not to. Privilege...personified. I believe only 3 Black people passed me...that I paid attention to.
I was more intrigued by the path this sidewalk was taking me on...snaking up past these buildings to cover the walk of Riverside Drive. BEAUTIFUL. As I Ascended into the 100's, past the Columbia dorms...No, JUST BEFORE...I walked upon the most beautiful house on the Boulevard - 330 Riverside Drive. Built to replicate Haussman's French facades, it was stately and impressive in a way that made me recall my treks through the 18th.

Just past this...was gated garden...and in this garden STOOD a statue of a ...enroute...down his path. I WAS TRANSFIXED. I read the history of this Buddah and how the statue was saved from Hiroshima[?] and brought here. As He stood there...TALL, STRONG RESPLENDENT...on HIS PATH...I took it ...AM READING it as a WELCOME sign. I am curious about the statue and center it is in front of. I will return. Merci.
Up Riverside, past Columbia...Chauncey text me.
Hey What's Up? Been thinking about you a couple of times today and just getting an opportunity to reach out.
Been better...but Walking it Off...LoL.
Got any WISDOM?.
Ehhh...ahhhh not really.
Want to get some?
My Treat!!!
Ok!!! Should I come to you? I will hit up my folk, normally around 12 we connect.
Is that Good For you?
Uhh...sure! [text to check availability]
Ok, well how you want to do this?
I can walk to you?
Where are you?
By Columbia.
Ok, I am here.
I pressed on...up to the Church...and suddenly had to pee. Found a spot, let loose...and set across Harlem...Down Broadway...Across 125th...and.Up Amsterdam...GREAT 145th.
You want me to come to you??, I am at 145th. See you Soon.
Get there...enter Hug.
OK, This is FOR YOU..$100 in `10s and THIS is for the WISDOM $40.
FATIGUE and STIFFNESS, coupled with SWEAT wic'ing into my shirt had me sit.
You want water?
3 FULL GLASSES LASTER...Do you eat Bananas?
Yes. MERCI for the Potassium.
His roommate came home...and we VIBED...engaging in a full on discussion of LIFE ART, RACE POLITICS FEAR MEDIA BLACK Portrayals in THEATER and FILM. Love it.
WE took the train down to 125th and they met. We got BLESSED...I HUGGED HIM, DOUBLY at the ATrain and hit up to the Bodega for Backwoods and Water...the final 2 things on my list for the day.
Merci Mon Frere...LOVE CHAUNCEY. Looks good with the GOATEE. His NY him a different...appeal. Hmmm...
I was MOVED to just give in...too spent to fight it...I LET IT LEAD MY DAY. Slowly beginning to TRUST IT.
LOOK for LOVE and it will FIND the MOST UNEXPECTED ways.
Merci pour le COMMUNITY.
I must remark the BEAUTIFUL specimens on the streets of NYC. BROTHERS and SiSTAHs too...but mainly all over your GLORIOUS BROWN BUFFeD BURNISHED BRILLIANT-NESS...KEEP ON! Sights to BEHOLD...some even taking notice of me.
Ok...gotta' rest. and reflect.
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