that must be said
uncertainty is everywhere...about everything.
This feels like a coast...the calm before the storm...
fear and confusion the norm.
They planned it that way...THEY say.
I can't say I blame them...Everything points THAT way
And They don't seem to want to hide what they are doing.
We don't want the disruption of War, but a DisRuPtIoN is Just what has come to pass.
This, the oldest troupe in every invasion / apocalyptic movie of the past 50 years - bio/chemical warfare...and WE are being made to sit and STEW while They feed whatever scraps of information they deem worthy from the plate, often just the juicy fatty bits that don't provide any real MEATS, mostly Their Conjecture!!!
what to make of it all? I am not afraid I just do not know if IT is worth iT...going forward.
For the past year I have...YEARS, I have been trying to determine what, Outside of Music is worth it. I have stopped and started and stumbled and scraped and starved and stoked, then choked so often over the past couple of years, that I found it impossible to really focus...NO, that is NOT TRUE.

Perhaps it should have been ....
Now, is the time...
to decide.
How will I
with ME
Going Forward,
Thank you for Today, despite their way.
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