Sunday, November 29, 2009


Good Morning,

Welcome to my catharsis. I had hoped to actually fashion this story...tale...information into some groundbreaking piece of art, but have yet to do much else but create a collection of often un-cohesive thoughts. However, I find myself pondering my life once again...gazing out the window of my Harlem apt...and aching to make some sense so I can make some cents...or dollars.

Also, after being back in NYC and uncomfortably negotiating this place I once so happily called home...and after running circles doing NOTHING all year...I am ready.

How does one go from tripping the light fantastic [literally] performing and growing in Europe...Paris more specifically to a cold water Harlem backroom...stuck? I spend my days here dreaming of the fire that once fueled my life and dreams...wondering where it I lost can I get it back!?!?!?

This is my mind...stay tuned.