Friday, August 21, 2015



This movie, SHE HATE ME [from which this track is taken] is ever-timely.  Considering the climate around Same-Sex anything in this country...the sexual -politics play into all aspects of EveryDay life in the Americas and beyond...and with SPIKE being heralded in creative circles for a new generation of entrepreneur.  I revisited this flick after a Facebook posting made me realize I didn't get this flick the first time.  I  overlooked it...watching it once and quickly realizing that I had no connection to any of the characters...I just mentally shelved-it...couched-it, " as more of SPIKE...slippin'!!!"  However, upon a NEW VieWing...I have realized just how ahead of his time he was.  The subject matter and story-line, as well as the presentation of so many different incarnation of lesbian/bi-sexual women was FIERCE!!!  

Again, SPIKE jam-packed this piece with many a message. however the over-whelming...under-lying story line had everything to do with the new faces of family...the unconventional occurrences that come about to create the modern-day family.

There is classic SPIKE cinematography tricks, but with more finesse.  There were stark cut-ways/flashbacks that kept me blinking back into the SCENE!  I am just amazed at just how this would resonate with people today...should be discussed, as it addresses women, their body; and their politics.

  Ever-timely...I love You Tube...most of the time.