Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I know my truth...I have spoken it many a time...
When will action meet intention and free me from this

My soul TRAPPED by echoes of yesteryear...leaving my thoughts on tomorrow
and the next moment UNCLEAR.

I know music...as it is understood formerly, is not my path.

Non-Traditional Education Modules...
Doing it out the Box.

I am not traditionally COMPETITIVE
often distracted by the MULTiTUDES
and their INSTENTIONS.

I just DO...when I DO

When I am DOING I am ignoring all the rest.  I am focused and fervent in making manifest MY INTENTION.

Somewhere, got lost along the way.  Now, StuCk in a SWIRL of Past-time Paradise and Folly of Fuck-Ups Foibles and FUNTIMES! 

What of the FUTURE?

How do I SEE MYSELF...going forward?  How do I long to be remembered?  What IS the TANGIBLE legacy I leave behind?

Before you fade away, give me the knowledge of the day...in  a way that it sticks and sparks the FiRe Necessary to TAKE ME HIGHER!!!

Merci La Luna a Solicits.

What to make of the Frequent Flashbacks I have...to specific streets...a la rues a Rive Gauche?  I am there...can feel the heat...hear the Banter a Francais...remember perspective and often times what I was thinking at the time.  Many of the long walks were the result  of low-funds and no MetroPass.  In much the same way as today...I remember spots I have had to strain to continue...as markers of my path and perseverance.  On the day I am seeing...I was headed to INVALIDES...to meet Martin et Julien and chill on the campus of INVALIDES. 
On this particular day, we would also take a tour of INVALIDES, complete with descriptions of where Napoleon was buried and history of the spot.  ALSO, later that evening 2 girls from the states would hit on US...invite us back to their flat and MAKE COMPLETE ASSHo*es if themselves over US/ME!!!

Crazy night...so vivid.

Hmmm...Back to Life/