Saturday, July 04, 2020

In the past 10 years I have reached new lows personally, doing/experiencing things I never thought I'd ever be bothered with...experience.  At a certain point, I just stalled...convinced that my ...and simple actions were contributing to where I was ending up.  Despite my every intention, just about every experience resulted in a hardwon lesson...and strained relations. 

this space...Corona...Black Lives Matter...What Next with Me...StaSiS...Needing a Deep Kneading...Noise...Being OVER the Past and not quite certain how to ...what to... or where to work towards the future...has me spent. 

RESET, yes.  But to what?  I have had so many NYC over these past 10years...My aim is to have the the next 10 represent some

I do not want to go out into this NEW York.  It is Too Much.  Determining where I am going at the end of this month...and forward is most pressing..bothersome...weighing on me. 

everything...Everything...iS EvErYtHiNg!!!!

And I am not interested.  I have no idea what to fight for.  Where to direct my energies and I fear that NYC will not afford me the SILENCE necessary to hear my next step!