Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I mean, I think you've got to BE TRUTHFUL about the LIFE you HAVE. Otherwise, there's no possibility of achieving the life you WANT...Or think you want.

Or...the life you think you should want.

The life you think you should ALWAYS the life that looks SAFEST.

Merci JB

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life IS a Funny Thing Y'all

I found out today, while returning from a laundry-visit at my old spot down on 121st, that folks in the Peachstate were inquiring about me and my plans come January. Turns out, there is a production of AIDA looking for a tenor of just my ilk.

Just last week I was having to RE-ASSure myself that I needed...wanted...could sing. My voice, while not in tathers, has felt better days!!! However, with a little conditioning and the knowledge that I will be prepping for my overseas musical endeavors, I am certain I'll make it happen. I guess I have determined my next step. Hmmm...this almost didn't happen.

Luckily, it is.

Lift IS a TRULY Funny Thing.

Just when you are ready to RECONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS, LIFE let's know you know that you were...GOOD all along.

Now...GET HEALTHY and GO!!!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

the truth

Still Getting The Hang of This

I do not know what I am doing...I must admit this.

For the first time in my life this is actually scaring the shit out of me.

HOWEVER, there is a part of my spirit that has learned to flip that fear and make it work for me...allow it to fuel the same passions that are giving me pause in the first place.  Throughout my 38 years I have found it necessary to ignore the reality of the situation, in favor of focusing on what I am working towards gaining from the experience.  That is truly the course of action that has allowed me to gain 38 years of experience.  You see, I found it necessary to hone my skills of perception in order to not miss what was going on around me, while not letting those thing that SHOULD, but DO NOT, stress me out.

I have found, since the first days of being in my Parisian flat RADIONOVA affords me the space and time to sit and reflect upon what it is I am going through.  MUSIC is truly my vice, in a way the pure physical interaction could never be.  The connection of vibration allows for truth, however difficult, to be unearthed.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Just A Thought

I find it impossible, because of the person I have been, to be the person I am. - 12/2/09 Harlem