Monday, August 05, 2013

That is The THING...

I think I have a problem...and I believe it is called PRIDE...or something.  While I am in a much more advanced NYC than when I left, I have been here...going on 2 years this fall.  I know what I DON'T want to do...anymore - FAIL.  I can't take it anymore.  The very people that I so doted-on, lifted almost to a point of reverance while basking on the Parisian shores of the River Siene...have all served to burst THAT bubble.  Some in a good way, but more often than a way that at least took some getting used to.  The bonds...the skills I felt I once possessed seemed to betray me in the face of these people.  Beaten, but NOT BROKEN I have often found myself standing BAFFLED at the antics being played-out before me.  While this has certainly served to provide many a well-timed and appreciated LESSON, there is also the matter of TRUSTs irrevocably ridiculous well as QUESTIONing of SELF the REPEATED UNCOMFORTABLE INSTANCEs CAUSED.

I have people offering there assistance...good people...Honest people...I think!  That is the thing...'cause there is always A THING!!!  That is The THING...I am now having to question EVERYBODY...moreso than I already did!!!  Do you know HOW EXHAUSTIVE that is!?!?!?  In a city like NYC...LIVING in Crown Heights...Friends ALL UPTOWN!!! LoL...I HOPE!!! See...You have to Laugh... but it is NOT FUNNY.  Thinking like this...feeling like this...Processing EVERYBODY like this...SUCKS!

I am at a crucial point in my LIFE, LOVE, CAREER, PASSION, PRAGMATIC Thinking; MUSIC, SINGING, TRAVELING, EXCAVATING, LEARNING, SHARING, HEALING, GROWING and I am ready to make what change...take whatever steps I need to.  I need HELP.  I do not want my parents help!!!  I DO NOT WANT MY PARENTs HELP.  I LOVE THEM.  THEY HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO CHILL!!!  LoL. That is Not to Say, if the WANT to I am going to STOP them, but CALLING...NO!!!  That said, I cannot do what I imagined...know can worthy of LIGHT and LIFE...and at LEAST a chance REQUIRES an AMPLE and TRUSTED TEAM!  I need Help...I NEED HELP!  I cannot do this alone.  That is not to say, I don't know what I know.  I do...I WILL NOT work with anyone who doesn't respect that and/or sabotages any attempts I make to demonstrating that.  ;-)

I am surround by some very dynamic people...just being myself.  But that HONESTY...has gotten 2-ice BITTEN and I really not up for a 3-rd.  I want to meet new their intentions...and not be judging them unfairly because of the actions of those I am encountering this trip around.  I am older...a bit wiser...and a whole lot more exasperated by all of this.  I am content to be alone, as I am finding many of my peers are the same.  Indoors...quiet nights...board games to avoid the noise and crowds.  Really?  Wow?
They want to protect...their light.  Not let themselves be distracted by the masses.  OK, so I am doing the same, although with Jalope' holding steady, I am trying to go with the Sun as long as I can.

Guide my Feet while I Run THIS RACE.  I can't TAKE the CURVES alone any is WEARING a Brother's Stride.  That is The THING - Faith in MY STRIDES has been TRIED by the CURVES.  I know what I have done...and what I am capable of...and because of that...what I want to do.  MY PLAN...doesn't make sense to anyone.  That is going to have to BE OK...and I have to BELIEVE that and TRUST that the people coming into my LIFE are doing so for a Reason.  I can't stop Life's Lessons...good or bad.  I must TRUST MY LOT in LIFE, as I have grown to KNOW it and begin to respond to those that availing themselves in a positive/above board/clear/ balanced manner.  These power-plays have been nothing short of comical, at some points...but a ultimately annoying and a HUGE waste of time.

So...what do I do about The THING?  The TRUST THING.  You see because of the antics of a few once trusted members of my extended circle...I am loath to take on any other help...of any kind...from a friend or extended family member.  And the people that I DO know ...who agree to work with me, I have allowed  him to further delay this process.


Hmmm...HELP.  I need know where to go and with who as my support...

Got to FAITH...In My TALENTS.  I need to hear myself.

Good Morning.

Thursday, August 01, 2013



I am at a point of EXODUS.
has a GRIP on my 
and I am...
NOT LIKING that...;-)

What is MY FEAR?

to NOT be taken SERIOUSLY...and to be THOUGHT a FRAUD.  After all that I have endured/overcome/triumphed/achieved/seen,heard, tasted, felt, smelt/ HEALED FROM/ learned/experienced up to this point...
That REALITY...that THAT may be the case...may actually Happen...
Has me dumbfounded.


Je ne c'est pas.

Alors...Arret La!!!

I feel as though I should be creating this grand piece of work.  A Large Scale, Intensely Engaging Sophisticated, Smart, Sharp, Timely Piece Indicative of the time it took to produce.  AAAAAARRRRGH!!!

Over the years I have collected any number of ideas for projects that have been fleshed out in my head and little else.  So, they remain remnants of a Time of Optimism and Fearless  The experiences and environments I continue to find myself in are clear indicators of where my head/spirit is. 
 SPIRIT is holding on...narrowly negotiating the barbs arriving almost some form or fashion.  

The thing is...there is THAT possibility in ME.  I FEEL it, it...IT is confounded HERE.  Distracted I like to say, but I feel it is closer to really looking at my past.  Immaturity can only mask so much, before guilt settles in.  One...I cannot create anything feeling like I have wronged anyone.  It is a block of SPIRIT.  Meaning, my intentions are pure...generally...plainly stated or should be obvious, as they are often reactions to those around me.  If I have...HURT anyone, while LIVING through my so-called period of "Fuck-Ups/Foibles/Fun-Times"...I apologize.  I have been able to see plainly how people feel about me here...I can feel it.  It ain't all it IS.  I pay attention...NOW THAT I AM OPEN, but OPEN...that CLARITY...LIGHT I reserve for art...creativity...invoking

I sent, nightly...WISDOM'D-UP hoping to write some OPUS, but end-up jOFF to Sleep.  This is NOT PRODUCTIVE and I FEEL Like I am wasting This Perfect Creative Space...[as I have Deemed it].  I don't understand that...

I IMAGINED that I'd come back from Paris more direct...clear.  In all of my dealings I am have been order to prevent confusion in the long-run.  Hmmm...What I am finding is that people are not taking me seriously, therefore my words mean nothing.  Perhaps people feel I should be doing more while in NYC.  Well, let's be clear, I did all that I intended - GET HEALTHY.  Beyond that, I have been truly blessed the opportunities I have had since being back in Harlem.  I know that.  But, beating myself up for following my plan, despite how others feel, is CRAZY.  Being made to feel as though I don't have a handle on things, when I can see clearly the games being played on hurtful and disrespectful.  But hey, you live and learn.

Time to produce.  But what?  I am here with legal pads, snacks, space, music, WISDOM, Sirens RAINing down OutSide my window and nothing but scribble.  A RETARDs Scribblin'.
Concrete Ideas...treatments for the videos for the songs
Short/Movie Script
More Songs
Scores for movies/tv
Study Vibration
Write/Create Works based on those findings
Work with other Artists to Create pieces

Where to start?  I try to see...feel which has the best legs to take the first step.

I want that LOVING FEELING about LIFE again.  I am too TWISTED here to feel it.  I am running all over NYC making nothing  Feels like Ol' Times.  AAAAARGH!!!  Yes, I have an impressive resume, but feel like folks don't believe.  I keep encountering confusion permutations of  I either too laid back or INDIGNANT.  LoL  Could it just be another FORM of PROFESSIONALISM!?!

So TOUGH, HuH?  We shall See!!!

I am in the thicket.

Time to FLY
